Are you searching for the best-paying Google AdSense alternative sites for your blog in 2024 to monetize it?

It is becoming increasingly hard to generate revenue through AdSense, but you can still make money with your blog. There are many alternatives to AdSense that provide similar results but don’t come with the same disadvantages. These include affiliate marketing and other forms of monetization, including charging for services and products.

Google AdSense is a popular advertising platform that allows website and blog owners to monetize their content by displaying ads on their sites. Advertisers can pay to place their ads on the site, and the website owner earns a share of the revenue. However, there may be instances where website owners are looking for alternatives to AdSense.

high paying google adsense alternatives

Reasons for this could include wanting to diversify their income streams, not being accepted into the AdSense program, or not being happy with the earnings they are receiving from AdSense. In this blog post, we will explore some alternative Google AdSense alternatives for 2024 advertising networks and other monetization methods that website owners can use to make money from their content.

There are many Google AdSense alternatives. let us check the list of alternative ad networks to help.

What is Google AdSense?

Google Adsense homepage

Google AdSense is an advertising program run by Google that allows website and blog owners to monetize their content by displaying ads on their sites. Advertisers can pay to place their ads on the site, and the website owner earns a share of the revenue.

These ads can be in the form of text, images, or videos and can be targeted to specific audiences based on the content of the website. AdSense uses a pay-per-click model, which means that website owners are paid based on the number of clicks their ads receive. The program is free to join and is a simple way for website owners to monetize their content and earn money from their online presence.

All you need to do is apply for AdSense on its official website. Before applying for AdSense approval, you need to know some things about AdSense policies.

Then, after getting access to your AdSense account, add the code given by Google AdSense to your site. That’s it.

AdSense is a great way to monetize your website or blog, but it’s not suitable for every type of website. Here are a few examples of websites that are particularly well-suited for AdSense:

  • Blogs: If you’re a regular blogger and consistently publish high-quality content, AdSense can be an excellent way to monetize your blog.
  • Forums: Not only can forums generate AdSense revenue, but they’re also an effective way to foster community engagement and discussion around specific topics.
  • Free Online Tools: Websites that offer free tools or services can also benefit from AdSense, as they can generate income through ads.

If you’re looking to improve the traffic and revenue on your AdSense-enabled website, focusing on these types of sites and experimenting with different strategies can help drive better results. Additionally, targeting high CPC keywords in your content can also increase the potential revenue from ads.

Why should I search for Alternatives to Adsense?

There are several reasons why someone might be looking for alternatives to AdSense:

  • Rejection from AdSense: Sometimes, websites may be rejected from the AdSense program due to a lack of enough traffic, inappropriate content, or other reasons. In this case, an alternative advertising network may be necessary.
  • Low Earnings: Even if a website is accepted into the AdSense program, the earnings may be lower than expected. In this case, an alternative network may be able to offer higher payouts or more competitive ad rates.
  • Limited Advertisers: AdSense is a large network, but it may not have as many advertisers as some of the other alternative networks, which might mean limited options for ads to show on your site.
  • Limited ad formats: AdSense typically offers a limited selection of ad formats, such as text, images, and videos. Alternative networks may offer more options, such as native advertising, which can improve the user experience and potentially increase revenue.
  • Diversification: Diversifying your income streams is always a good idea, so even if AdSense is working well for you, it’s always a good idea to explore other options to ensure a steady income for your website or blog.

Ultimately, AdSense is a great monetization option for many website owners, but it’s not the only option out there. By exploring alternatives, website owners can find the best monetization solution for their specific needs.

Best Google AdSense alternatives for bloggers List

When monetizing your website or blog, advertising is one of the most popular and well-known methods. While Google AdSense is a popular choice, there are other advertising networks available that can provide alternative options for website owners.

We’ll explore the key features of each network, as well as their pros and cons, to help you decide if one of these alternatives is right for you. Let us see the high paying google adsense alternatives.

1. Media.Net: Best for Established Bloggers

mediaNET homepage is a web-based advertising platform that allows website and blog owners to monetize their content by displaying ads on their sites. As the website owner, you have the control to choose which ads appear, and you earn a share of the revenue when they are clicked. This platform is particularly well-suited for established bloggers. is often considered one of the best alternatives to Google AdSense and one of the highest-paying options in the industry. The network is powered by both Bing and Yahoo search engines, and it utilizes a mix of native, display, and contextual ads to deliver a unique ad experience for users.

In addition to the ad options, also provides access to powerful marketing tools that can track campaign results and show how your advertising affects website traffic. is a well-known and respected AdSense alternative for publishers on the Yahoo and Bing network. It’s also one of the best alternatives to Google AdSense. With over 500 employees, the network is able to deliver attractive ads to make your blog more engaging. is globally recognized and is used by many large websites like Forbes and Cosmopolitan. It provides contextual ads based on the traffic sources of your blog. However, similar to Google AdSense, you need to apply to join the program.

Features of Media.Net

  • Range of ad formats: offers a variety of ad formats including display ads, native ads, and video ads.
  • Powered by Yahoo and Bing: is powered by the Yahoo and Bing ad networks, which allows for a wider reach and more ad options.
  • Customizable ad layout: allows you to customize the layout of ads on your site, giving you more control over the user experience.
  • Advanced targeting options: offers advanced targeting options such as geographic, demographic, and interest-based targeting.

Best for:

  • is particularly well-suited for website owners in the finance, business, technology, and health niches.
  • It tends to have the highest-performing ads and the most advertisers in these niches, providing a higher revenue potential.

Approval Criteria:

  • Easy navigation and original content: To be approved, your website should have easy navigation and your content should be original and free of plagiarism.
  • English-language content: The majority of your content should be written in English.
  • Sufficient monthly traffic: Your website should receive a reasonable amount of traffic per month.
  • Geographical restrictions: The majority of your traffic should come from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
  • Limited advertising units: There should not be too many advertising units on the website or blog.
  • Approval timeline: The approval process usually takes between two to seven days.

Pros and Cons of Media.Net


  • High level of control: offers a high level of control over the ads displayed on your site, allowing you to choose the ad formats and targeting options that work best for your audience.
  • Good targeting options: The advanced targeting options offered by can help you reach the right audience for your content.
  • High revenue potential: This alternative ad network can provide a higher revenue potential compared to other alternative networks, particularly in niche markets. Perfect for high traffic sites.


  • Minimum traffic requirement: It has a minimum traffic requirement to join the program, which can be a hurdle for some website owners.
  • Limited audience reaches: The audience reach is limited as compared to Google AdSense, which may affect the revenue potential for some website owners. is similar to adsense.
  • Ads Type: Contextual and display ads
  • Minimum Payout: $100 (PayPal/Wire)
Signup Media network

2. Bidvertiser: Best for Bidding Campaigns

bidvertizer omepage

Bidvertiser is a great option for website and blog owners who are looking for an easy way to monetize their content with AdSense-style ads. You can create an ad with this ad network, set your budget, and let the platform handle the rest. You can also add text, and images, link ads to your site or even create custom ad campaigns targeting specific demographics.

Bidvertiser is one of the simplest alternatives to Google AdSense in the pay-per-click (PPC) category, as it pays for every lead conversion and ad click revenue. It is a great option if you are searching for a better AdSense alternative. The platform offers a variety of banner formats that can be placed in high-visibility areas on your blog for better revenue.

This is an excellent alternative for low-traffic sites, as it operates on a bidding system, which can lead to higher payouts. Finally, the bidvertiser is a solid alternative to AdSense that is worth considering.

Features of Bidvertiser:

Bidvertiser is an advertising network that allows website and blog owners to monetize their content by displaying ads on their sites. Some features of the Bidvertiser ad network include:

  • Pay-per-click model: Bidvertiser operates on a pay-per-click model, where website owners are paid based on the number of clicks their ads receive.
  • Variety of ad formats: Bidvertiser offers a variety of ad formats such as text, banners, interstitial, and slider ads.
  • Customizable ad layout: Bidvertiser allows you to customize the layout of ads on your site, giving you more control over the user experience.
  • Advanced targeting options: Bidvertiser offers geographic and demographic targeting options to help reach the right audience for your content.
  • Easy ad customization: Bidvertiser provides an easy ad customization tool, allowing you to adjust the appearance of the ads on your website.
  • No approval restrictions: There are no approval restrictions to join the program.
  • Payment for both clicks and conversions: Bidvertiser pays for both clicks and conversions, which increases the potential revenue.
  • Monthly Payment: Users are paid monthly and the minimum payout is $10 through PayPal.
  • Bidding System: Bidvertiser operates on a bidding system, which allows advertisers to bid on ad space on your website. This can lead to higher payouts, but it also means that if there are no bids, no ads will be displayed.

Basic requirements to approve a bidvertiser program

Here are some basic requirements to be approved for the Bidvertiser program:

  • Original Content: Your website should have original content that is free of plagiarism.
  • Navigation: Navigation should be easy on your website.
  • Language: Your content should primarily be written in English.
  • Traffic: Your website should receive a reasonable amount of traffic each month.
  • Geographical Restriction: The majority of your traffic should come from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
  • Limited Advertising Units: There should not be too many advertising units on the website or blog.
  • Compliance with bidvertiser policy: Your website should comply with Bidvertiser’s policies and guidelines.
  • Application: You should submit an application to join the program.

It’s important to note that these requirements may change over time and Bidvertiser reserves the right to approve or deny any application based on their discretion.

Pros and Cons of Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser is an advertising network that allows website and blog owners to monetize their content by displaying ads on their sites. Here are some of the pros and cons of using the Bidvertiser program:


  • Bidvertiser has no minimum traffic requirement, making it easy for website owners to join the program.
  • It offers a variety of ad formats, giving website owners more options to monetize their content.
  • The ability to customize the layout of ads on your site can improve the user experience and potentially increase revenue.
  • It pays for both clicks and conversions, which increases the potential revenue.
  • It operates on a bidding system, which allows advertisers to bid on ad space on your website. This can lead to higher payouts.


  • The revenue potential of Bidvertiser is generally lower than other ad networks.
  • Its audience reach is limited compared to other ad networks, which may affect the revenue potential for some website owners.
  • It relies on a bidding system, which means that if there are no bids, no ads will be displayed. This can lead to a lack of ad revenue.
  • Ads Type: Banner Ads, Text Ads
  • Minimum Payout: $10 (PayPal/Payza)

3. Infolinks: Best for In-Text Ads


Infolinks is a top-performing pay-per-click program (PPC) network that pays for each click, without the use of CPM. It is ideal for high-traffic websites and displays ads that are relevant to your content. If you have a text-based site or blog, Infolinks is a great option to monetize your content.

This network partners with major networks such as Facebook, Amazon, eBay, Microsoft, etc. The best part is that the process is fully automated, and Infolinks converts certain keywords from your content into advertising links.

Infolinks offers four types of ad formats: InFold, InText, InTag, and InFrame, all of which are designed to bypass Adblock. The platform supports English, French, Spanish, and German content and offers an impressive CPM rate of $7 to $17. It is one of the best alternatives to AdSense.

Features of Infolinks:

Here are some of the features of Infolinks:

  • Infolinks displays ads that are relevant to your content, making them more likely to be clicked on by visitors.
  • The process of setting up and displaying ads on Infolinks is fully automated and intelligently produced.
  • It offers a high CPM rate of $7 to $17.
  • The platform supports English, French, Spanish and German content.
  • Infolinks offers four types of ad formats: InFold, InText, InTag, and InFrame, all of which are designed to bypass Adblock.
  • It is easy to integrate into your website or blog.
  • It requires high-quality content to be approved as a publisher.
  • It requires the publisher to adhere to their policies and guidelines to be approved.
  • Infolinks requires regular monitor the performance of the ads on the website and making changes as needed to optimize revenue.

Basic requirements to approve an Infolinks

To be approved for the Infolinks program, it is necessary to:

  • Provide high-quality content
  • Avoid posting offensive or illegal material such as violent messages, spamming, obscene content, or online gambling.
  • Have at least 20-30 high-quality posts
  • Have an “About,” “Privacy,” and “Contact” page on your website
  • Review the eligibility criteria on the publisher’s website.

Pros and Cons of Infolinks

Infolinks is a pay-per-click program that is designed to help website owners monetize their content by displaying ads on their sites.

Here are some of the pros and cons of using Infolinks:


  • Relevant ads: Infolinks display ads that are relevant to your content, which can increase the chances of visitors clicking on them.
  • High CPM rate: Infolinks offers a high CPM rate of $7 to $17, which can increase the potential revenue for website owners. 
  • Multi-language support: The platform supports English, French, Spanish, and German content, which can increase the reach of the ads.
  • Ad formats: Infolinks offers four types of ad formats that are designed to bypass Adblock, which can increase the visibility of the ads.
  • Easy integration: Infolinks is easy to integrate on your website or blog.


  • Bidding System: Infolinks operates on a bidding system, which means that if there are no bids, no ads will be displayed. This can lead to a lack of ad revenue.
  • Limited advertiser reaches: Infolinks’s advertiser reach is limited compared to other ad networks, which may affect the revenue potential for some website owners.
  • Approval requirements: Infolinks has strict approval requirements, which can make it difficult for some website owners to be approved for the program.
  • Regular monitoring: Infolinks requires regular monitoring of the ads to ensure optimal revenue.
  • Ads Type: In the text, In tag
  • Payout: $50 (PayPal, Wire, eCheck, WU)

4. BuySellAds: Best for Established Websites


BuySellAds is a widely recognized ad network that operates as a marketplace for buying and selling ad space on websites and blogs. It is considered as one of the best alternatives to Google AdSense for high-traffic sites, but it does not accept low-traffic sites.

One of the benefits of the BuySellAds network is its revenue-sharing model, which gives publishers a 75% cut of the total earnings. The network also offers convenient payment options, with funds being transferred to PayPal twice a month.

In addition to its revenue-generating capabilities, BuySellAds also offers a range of customization options for advertisers. They can choose the type of ad space and format that best suits their needs, making it a versatile network. Setting up ads on your website is also easy, as it only requires adding an HTML code.

Overall, the BuySellAds network is a great alternative to AdSense for high-traffic websites, with its revenue-sharing model and customizable ad options, it can provide a better monetization solution to the publishers.


  • BuySellAds Network allows website owners to sell ad space directly to advertisers, rather than using an ad network.
  • It supports a variety of ad formats, including banner ads, sponsored content, and sponsored social media posts.
  • It allows website owners to choose which ads appear on their site and set their own prices.
  • This Network allows advertisers to target specific demographics and geographic locations.
  • It provides website owners with reporting and analytics tools to track the performance of their ads.


  • High revenue potential: Because website owners can set their own prices for ad space, the revenue potential on BuySellAds Network is higher than with other ad networks.
  • Direct control over ad content: Website owners have direct control over which ads appear on their site, which can improve the user experience and increase ad revenue.
  • Variety of ad formats: BuySellAds Network supports a variety of ad formats, which gives website owners more options to monetize their content.
  • Advertiser targeting: Advertisers can target specific demographics and geographic locations, which can increase the relevancy of the ads for website visitors.


  • Limited advertiser reaches: Because BuySellAds Network is a marketplace, the reach of the advertisers is limited compared to other ad networks. This could result in lower demand for ad space on certain websites, leading to lower revenue potential.
  • Time-consuming: Finding and negotiating with advertisers can be time-consuming and may require more effort than using an ad network.
  • Limited targeting options: While BuySellAds Network allows some targeting options, they may be more limited than other ad networks.
  • No automatic optimization: Unlike some ad networks, BuySellAds Network does not automatically optimize ad placement or targeting for maximum revenue potential. Website owners need to manually monitor and adjust their ads to optimize revenue.
  • Ads Type: Banner ads
  • Payout: $20 (PayPal), $50 (Check), $500 (Wire Transfer)

5. PropellerAds

propellerads network

PropellerAds is a rapidly expanding advertising network that has been in operation since 2011. They offer high CPMs (up to $10) and specialize in niche markets such as movies, video games, dating, finance, software, and online gambling. If your website falls under any of these categories, PropellerAds can be a more profitable alternative to AdSense.

One of the key features of PropellerAds is its support for various ad models, including CPA, CPC, CPM, and CPL. This allows website owners to monetize their traffic in different ways. In addition, PropellerAds works with high-quality advertisers and offers detailed real-time reporting, a personal account manager, and prompt payouts.

Another interesting aspect of PropellerAds is its support for video ads, including pre-roll, post-roll, overlay, and in-banner video. This can be a great way to monetize your website’s video content and increase revenue potential. Overall, PropellerAds is a great alternative to AdSense for websites in niche markets, and it offers a range of ad models and video ad options for website owners to monetize their traffic.

Features of PropellerAds:

  • PropellerAds offers high CPMs (up to $10) which can provide a better revenue potential for website owners.
  • The ad network specializes in niche markets such as movies, video games, dating, finance, software, and online gambling.
  • PropellerAds supports various ad models, including CPA, CPC, CPM, and CPL, which allows website owners to monetize their traffic in different ways.
  • It works with high-quality advertisers, which can improve the user experience and increase ad revenue.
  • This provides website owners with detailed real-time reporting, allowing them to track their ads’ performance and make adjustments as needed.
  • PropellerAds offers personal account managers to assist website owners with their campaigns.
  • It supports video ads, including pre-roll, post-roll, overlay, and in-banner videos. This can be a great way to monetize your website’s video content and increase revenue potential.

Pros and Cons of PropellerAds


  • PropellerAds is a popular advertising platform that provides an effective way to monetize websites and apps.
  • it provides access to a wide array of ad networks, giving users the ability to reach a large audience.
  • It has great customer service and analytics tools that can help you track the performance of your ads.


  • It can make it difficult to reach specific audiences, as well as relatively low CPM rates compared to other platforms.
  • PropellerAds does not offer any features for A/B testing or adjusting bids based on user behavior.
  • PropellerAds remains one of the most popular advertising platforms due to its ease of use and competitive pricing.
  • Ads Type: Banner ads
  • Payout: $50 (PayPal), $100 (Payoneer), $500 (Wire Transfer)

6. Skimlinks -Best alternative to Google adsense

skimlinks ad network

Skimlinks is a powerful affiliate marketing tool that helps online publishers to monetize their content by transforming product and merchant links into affiliate links. It works by providing the publisher with an easy-to-use platform that allows them to add affiliate links to their content and then displays ads when those links are clicked.

Skimlinks also offers features such as minimum payout, which ensures that publishers only receive payments once they reach a certain threshold, and advanced reporting capabilities so that publishers can track how much money they’re making from their affiliate links.

With their simple setup and intuitive user interface, Skimlinks have become one of the most popular ways for online publishers to monetize their content. The ads are responsive to all devices like desktop and mobile.

Features of Skimlinks

  • Skimlinks automatically turn outbound links into affiliate links, making it easy for you to earn commissions from purchases made through those links.
  • It offers a wide range of merchants and products to choose from, ensuring that there is something for every niche.
  • Skimlinks also offers a range of tools and analytics to help you track your performance and optimize your earnings.


  • Skimlinks are easy to set up and use, requiring minimal technical skills.
  • It offers a wide range of merchants and products, making it easy to find something that will appeal to your audience.
  • The platform also offers detailed analytics and performance metrics, which can help you optimize your earnings.


  • Some users have reported lower earnings compared to Google AdSense.
  • Skimlinks also take a small percentage of your earnings as a commission.
  • Some users have reported that the platform can be buggy at times and that customer support can be slow to respond.

It is a solid alternative to Google AdSense for website owners and bloggers looking for a simple way to monetize their content. While it may not be the most lucrative option, it is easy to use and offers a wide range of merchants and products to choose from.

  • Ads Type: Links
  • Payout: $10 (via Paypal)

7. Amazon Native Shopping Ads

amazon native shopping ads

Amazon Native shopping ads, also known as Amazon Influencer Program, is a monetization option for social media influencers and content creators to earn commissions by promoting products from on their website, social media channels, and video content.

Amazon Native Shopping Ads are a type of advertisement developed by Amazon for its partners. They are designed to help businesses promote products and services, as well as build brand awareness. These ads are displayed in the form of images or videos within the content on Amazon-owned websites and apps. The alternative that is best for your site depends on the particular characteristics of your site.


  • Amazon Native shopping ads allow influencers to create custom affiliate links for specific products or product categories on
  • Influencers can also create a storefront on Amazon to showcase the products they recommend,
  • The program offers a wide range of products from various categories such as fashion, beauty, electronics, and more.
  • Amazon provides detailed analytics and performance metrics to help influencers track their earnings and optimize their promotions.


  • Amazon Native shopping ads are a great way for influencers to monetize their content and earn commissions by promoting products they believe in.
  • Influencers can earn commissions on any sale made through their custom affiliate links, even if the customer doesn’t purchase the promoted product.
  • The program offers a wide range of products from various categories, making it easy to find something that will appeal to the influencer’s audience.
  • The program provides detailed analytics and performance metrics, which can help influencers optimize their promotions.


  • Amazon Native shopping ads are mainly suitable for influencers and content creators, not all types of websites.
  • The commissions earned on sales through Amazon native shopping ads may be lower than other affiliate programs.
  • The program has some strict guidelines and requirements that need to be met in order to become an influencer and start earning commissions.

Finally, It can be a great alternative for influencers and content creators looking to monetize their content by promoting products from While the commissions may be lower than other affiliate programs, the program offers a wide range of products and detailed analytics to help influencers optimize their promotions and earn more.

  • Ad type: Contextual ads
  • Payout: $100

8. Adversal – The native advertising platform

adversal ad network platform

Adversal is a popular alternative to Google AdSense for bloggers and website owners looking to monetize their content. It is a CPM-based ad network that allows publishers to monetize their website traffic by displaying high-quality ads.


  • Adversal offers high CPM rates, which can help publishers earn more revenue from their website traffic.
  • The network only accepts high-quality websites, ensuring that the ads displayed are relevant and appealing to the audience.
  • Adversal also offers a wide range of ad formats, including display ads, interstitial ads, and in-text ads.


  • Adversal offers high CPM rates, which can help publishers earn more revenue from their website traffic.
  • The network only accepts high-quality websites, ensuring that the ads displayed are relevant and appealing to the audience.
  • Adversal also offers a wide range of ad formats, giving publishers the flexibility to choose the best option for their website.


  • Adversal has strict requirements for acceptance into the network, which can make it difficult for some website owners to get approved.
  • The network also has a minimum payout threshold, which can be a barrier for some publishers.
  • Some users have reported that customer support can be slow to respond.

Eligibility to get approval:

  • Own a unique domain name
  • Receive at least 50,000 pageviews per month
  • Be free from any association with malware, piracy, or illegal activities
  • Not feature adult content or material
  • Not be accessible only by login

Adversal is a great alternative to Google AdSense for website owners and bloggers looking to monetize their content with high CPM rates. While it may have strict requirements for acceptance and a minimum payout threshold, it offers a wide range of ad formats and only accepts high-quality websites, ensuring that the ads displayed are relevant and appealing to the audience.

  • Ads Type: also Pop-under and CPM ads.
  • Payout: $50

9. Monumetric- Best for Mid-Sized Blogs

monumetric ad network

Monumetric is a full-service ad revenue partner that helps website owners increase their revenue while maintaining the best user experience for their visitors. Formerly known as The Blogger Network, Monumetric uses CPM (cost per thousand impressions) rather than CPC (cost per click) to pay website owners for every impression, which can result in higher earnings.


  • Monumetric uses CPM (cost per thousand impressions) instead of CPC (cost per click)
  • Monumetric offers one of the best pay rates in the industry for CPM campaigns
  • Monumetric offers a wide range of ad formats, including display ads, interstitial ads, and in-text ads.
  • Monumetric provides detailed analytics and performance metrics to help website owners track their earnings and optimize their performance.


  • A website should have at least 10,000 monthly views
  • A 99% setup fee for sites with between 10,000 and 80,000 views
  • The website should not have adult content or material
  • The website should not be restricted by a login
  • The website should not be associated with malware, piracy, or anything illegal
  • The website should own a unique domain name


  • Monumetric offers higher pay rates than Adsense
  • Monumetric provides detailed analytics and performance metrics to help website owners track their earnings and optimize their performance.
  • Monumetric offers a wide range of ad formats


  • Monumetric has a minimum traffic requirement of 10,000 monthly views
  • Monumetric also has a 99% setup fee for sites with between 10,000 and 80,000 views, which can be a barrier for some website owners
  • Monumetric’s customer support may be slow to respond

Overall, Monumetric is a great alternative to Google AdSense for website owners looking to monetize their content with high CPM rates. While it may have strict requirements for acceptance and a minimum payout threshold, it offers a wide range of ad formats and provides detailed analytics and performance metrics to help website owners optimize their performance and earn more.

  • Ad type: Contextual ads
  • Payout: $100

10. Taboola – Best for Enterprises

taboola ad network

Taboola is an ad network that helps advertisers reach their target audience efficiently and is considered as one of the best-paid advertising networks. It uses an algorithm that allows you to identify your ideal audience based on the websites they visit and their location, making it easy for advertisers to increase their return on investment (ROI).

Taboola specializes in paid and sponsored content, working with publishers to place ads on their websites and blogs, and then syndicating them through its network of sites. With a small monthly fee, you can access a large pool of advertisers and earn higher commissions on the ads placed through Taboola.

The ad network allows users to customize their ads based on their preferences, making it an ideal choice for marketing campaigns that need to reach specific people. However, it should be noted that the minimum traffic requirement is 500,000 page views per month.

Taboola offers a variety of features such as Ad Serving Algorithm, Audience Segmentation, and Targeting Users Based on Their Habits, among others. The Ad Serving Algorithm allows you to select from over 600 ad formats, making it easy to choose the best format for your business or product. The Audience Segmentation feature allows you to segment your users into different groups such as females, males, different age groups, etc.


  • Ad Serving Algorithm: Allows you to select from over 600 ad formats, making it easy to choose the best format for your business or product.
  • Audience Segmentation: This allows you to segment your users into different groups such as females, males, different age groups, etc.
  • Targeting Users Based on Their Habits: This allows you to target people who tend to buy specific products or services like sports shoes during weekends in areas where many people play sports like tennis or golf etc.
  • Paid and sponsored content: Taboola specializes in paid and sponsored content, working with publishers to place ads on their websites and blogs, and then syndicating them through its network of sites.


  • Taboola uses an algorithm that allows you to identify your ideal audience based on the websites they visit and their location, making it easy for advertisers to increase their return on investment (ROI).
  • With a small monthly fee, you can access a large pool of advertisers and earn higher commissions on the ads placed through Taboola.
  • Taboola allows users to customize their ads based on their preferences, making it an ideal choice for marketing campaigns that need to reach specific people.
  • Taboola offers a variety of features such as Ad Serving Algorithm, Audience Segmentation, and Targeting Users Based on Their Habits, among others, that makes it easy for marketers to manage their marketing campaigns efficiently.


  • The minimum traffic requirement is 500,000 page views per month, which may be difficult for some website owners to reach.
  • There may be a limited number of placement options, so your ads may not be as visible as you would like them to be.
  • Some users have reported that customer support can be slow to respond.
  • Ad type: Contextual ads
  • Payout: $100

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a Contextual ad network?

The contextual ad network allows you to monetize your content with exclusive access to Yahoo! Bing Network searches. The marketplace gives you complete control over ad management and ad formats, meaning that advertisers will only pay when they’re getting results. You can use contextual ads as an alternative to Google AdSense or any other contextual ad service on this list.

How do I monetize my website without AdSense?

There are many ways to monetize your website without AdSense, including affiliate marketing, sponsored products, CPM advertising, and more.

What pays more than AdSense?

Many types of online advertising can pay more than AdSense. Some of the most common types of online advertising include display advertising, video advertising, and contextual advertising. Display advertising is the most common type of online advertising, and it involves placing ads on websites or blogs. Video advertising is a form of display advertising that uses videos to promote products or services. Contextual advertising is a type of display or video advertising that displays ads based on a user’s content on a website or app.

Can I use more than one ad network on my website?

Yes, you can use multiple ad networks on your website, but it is important to make sure that the ads do not overlap or negatively impact the user experience.

Are there any ad networks that specialize in specific niches?

Yes, some ad networks specialize in specific niches, such as e-commerce or travel.

Is Google AdSense the best?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best Google AdSense strategy for a particular website or blog will vary depending on the site’s content, traffic, and other factors. However, some general tips that may be helpful include:
a. Make sure your ads are relevant to your target audience.
b. Testing different ad sizes and placements to see which ones are most effective.
c. Ensuring that your ads are placed in a visually appealing and user-friendly way.

How do I know which AdSense alternative is the best option for my website?

The best way to determine which AdSense alternative is the best option for your website is to evaluate each one against your website’s specific needs and features.

Final words on high paying google adsense alternatives

There are more ad networks running on the web. Here, I have listed the best Google AdSense alternative sites for your blog.

Update: If you’re looking for alternatives to AdSense, you should also check out native ad networks, mobile ad networks, CPM-based ad networks, and affiliate ad networks.

You can try those networks on your sites. But do not try all networks at the same time on your blog. You can use two networks at a time by using A-B testing. These are the best Google AdSense alternatives for publishers, bloggers, and internet marketers.

Therefore, it’s important to evaluate each option carefully and determine which one is the best fit for your website. Ultimately, the key to success is finding the right balance between monetization and user experience, and being open to experimenting with different options to see what works best for you., Infolinks, and Revenue Hits are the best ad networks for new bloggers. Stop worrying about Google AdSense. Start earning money with these best Google AdSense alternatives for your blog now.

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  1. Gabriel Okenwa says:

    Hello Satish sir,
    Nice article, I’ve been struggling for Google ads for God knows when but they keep turning down my request, I don’t know what exactly that I’m not doing right in my blog, please help me and check if everything is normal. I also tried applying for Yahoo ads ( and they turned me down as well. Maybe I’ll try out the other ones you listed but not propellers ads because I dislike it.

  2. Prosanta Mondal says:

    Hi Satish Sir,
    Great post about Adsense alternative, I am a new blogger. I have created my blog on google blogger and published 3 original posts. now can I apply for Google Adsense please suggest me sir.

    1. Hello Prosanta Mondal,

      Getting Adsense approval is not an easy task. Write more quality articles like useful tutorials, reviews, lists, etc. Add Privacy Policy, Terms of services pages, and add more information in About page and Contact page (Your complete details). If your blog has more than 15 unique articles and minimum traffic, Google will enable an AdSense account.

      All the best

  3. Muthukrishnan says:

    Hi sathish.Thanks for the amazing article.My viewers are mostly frm US and UK ..which affiliate is best?

    1. Hello MuthuKrishnan,
      I checked your blog. It is good, clean, and responsive. The choosing of an affiliate program is completely your choice. What type of products you are willing to promote. Try ShareASale,, and ClickBank, these programs are working well for my blogs. These marketplaces are completely free. Just signup – activate your account and choose one or more products and promote on your blog.
      Wish you all the best

  4. Jimmy Sharma says:

    Great, This is pretty Good, I was only aware of infolinks other than google adsense. And yes the problem you mention about google adsense is correct they do not approve each request. I tried a lot of times for my websites but i didnot get any success.

    But now I ll try these alternatives lets see any success or not.


  5. Recently my blog got Adsense approval. But I am not getting good traffic.

    1. Hello Prem,
      Getting traffic to the blog is the biggest game in the blogging journey. Do not worry.

      1. Write good and quality content,
      2. post articles frequently
      3. Share your post in relevant groups and communities
      4. Do Off-SEO in a proper way like Blog commenting (daily 2-3), Guest post submission (1 post per month) and Participate forum activities.
      5. inform about your latest posts to your readers through Email, messengers (Whatsapp and Facebook messengers).

      You will get good traffic instantly.

      All the best

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