CommentLuv blogs are websites that are useful in creating high-quality backlinks for your websites.

One of the oldest techniques is commentLuv blogging, which is still popular among bloggers. Many people followed CommentLuv blogging in the early days but kept their distance due to technical updates on Google.

Even though many people lost trust in CommentLuv blogs, more people are still following this system to create high-quality backlinks and improve the domain authority. Still, to this day, many bloggers search for PR website backlinks, but Google no longer releases the PR data.

CommentLuv Blogs List

You can search for high-quality domain-authority blogs that allow the CommentLuv commenting system to generate backlinks. Here I have written a quick article on how to find CommentLuv blogs and a list of some CommentLuv blogs.

To improve your website’s SEO, build high-quality backlinks from DoFollow Commentluv blogs. These blogs allow users to leave comments with backlinks to their websites, which can help improve search engine ranking.

Before knowing anything about CommentLuv-enabled blogs, let us discuss the backlinking strategy.

What is backlinking?

Backlinking is a strategy for creating high-quality links between websites well-indexed by Google. Let me explain the backlinking strategy with an example.

  • Assume ‘A’ is your website, which has a domain authority of only 2. And let X, Y, and Z be the high domain authority websites already indexed in Google with domain authority scores of 50, 60, and 70, respectively.
  • Being already having a domain authority, if X, Y, and Z have links to website ’A’ in their websites, then website A is said to have backlinks with websites X, Y, and Z. Now the domain authority of the website will gradually increase. This process of creating backlinks is called a backlinking strategy.
  • The backlinks may be created through direct links in articles or links in comments. The backlinks generated through the commenting system are called “comment backlinking.”

Before going to the list of dofollow blogs, here is the video explaining the details of backlinks by Matt Cutt.

What is CommentLuv, and how does it work?

CommentLuv is a simple WordPress plugin. This plugin will only allow comments with do-follow links to be posted under the comment name. This plugin will enable some good features for your blog commenting system.

Commentluv is a simple plugin that lets visitors leave a link to their most recent post. Whoever the visitor is, he can simply come in and write a comment and leave a link on that post to his latest web post.

The CommentLuv plugin is most loved by bloggers because of only one feature. Do-follow backlinks are very essential to ranking any website. These days, do-follow backlinks are nearly never accepted by any blogger.

But some of the CommentLuv blogs still provide the do-follow links. This is the main reason why bloggers still have an affection for CommentLuv blogs.

What are DoFollow Commentluv Blogs?

DoFollow Commentluv blogs are an invaluable resource for link building and search engine optimization. But what exactly are they and how can you utilize them?

What are DoFollow CommentLuv blogs?

DoFollow Commentluv blogs use a WordPress plugin called CommentLuv that enables commenters to include a link back to their own website or blog within their comment.

The key advantage of CommentLuv blogs is that they allow DoFollow links. Unlike NoFollow links, which pass on zero link equity, DoFollow links pass on link juice and SEO value to the site being linked to.

When you leave a comment on a DoFollow CommentLuv blog, the link you include becomes a DoFollow backlink pointing to your site. This signals to search engines like Google that your site is valuable and trustworthy, thereby improving your search rankings.

Benefits of Leveraging DoFollow CommentLuv Blogs:

  • Build high-quality backlinks from reputable sites
  • Improve domain authority and page authority metrics.
  • Boost rankings for target keywords and pages
  • Drive referral traffic from influential blogs in your niche
  • Increase brand visibility and awareness organically

Tips for Maximizing Value:

  • Focus on commenting on blogs with high domain authority and traffic
  • Leave insightful and genuine comments; don’t spam
  • Vary anchor text for natural linking patterns
  • Participate regularly over time to build relationships
  • Monitor links and disavow any that become toxic

DoFollow CommentLuv blogs are a white-hat SEO tactic to get valuable backlinks and increase your website’s search engine exposure. With a smart and ethical approach, they can deliver ranking boosts and growth.

How do Commentluv blogs work?

CommentLuv is a simple WordPress plugin. This plugin will only allow comments with do-follow links to be posted under the comment name. This plugin will enable some good features for your blog commenting system.

Commentluv is a simple plugin that lets visitors leave a link to their most recent post. Whoever the visitor is, he can come in and write a comment and get a link on that post to his latest web post.

Bloggers most love the CommentLuv plugin because of only one feature. Do-follow backlinks are essential to ranking any website. These days, do-follow backlinks are nearly never accepted by any blogger.

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But some of the CommentLuv blogs still provide do-follow links. It is the main reason why bloggers still have an affection for CommentLuv blogs.

Why are DoFollow Commentluv blogs valuable for SEO?

The Hidden SEO Potential of DoFollow CommentLuv Blogs

In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), links remain one of the most important ranking factors. But not all links are created equal when it comes to passing on their SEO value. This is where DoFollow CommentLuv blogs come in handy.

DoFollow CommentLuv blogs have enabled the CommentLuv plugin, which allows commenters to include a link back to their own website or blog within their comment on a post. Unlike regular NoFollow links that pass zero SEO juice, these DoFollow links pass on link equity and anchor text value to the site being linked to.

Here’s why DoFollow CommentLuv blog comments are so valuable:

  • DoFollow links: The links earned through CommentLuv pass link equity and anchor text, unlike NoFollow links. This directly helps with search rankings.
  • High-quality sites: Many influential blogs in various niches use CommentLuv. Getting links from these reputable sites is a ranking signal.
  • Domain authority: Links from high-DA sites pass more value. Targeting reputable CommentLuv blogs boosts your own domain authority.
  • Traffic source: Quality CommentLuv blogs often have good organic traffic. Links can send referral visits to your site.
  • Brand visibility: Getting your link on niche-relevant blogs increases visibility and awareness for your brand.
  • Relationships: Commenting regularly allows you to build rapport with blog owners in your field.
  • Diversifies portfolio: CommentLuv links help diversify your overall linking profile, improving its natural look.
  • Free to participate: It’s free and easy to leave thoughtful comments and get a link. Cost-effective for links.
  • Scalable strategy: You can leverage CommentLuv on hundreds of blogs in your niche for ongoing link building.
  • Enhanced Social Proof: Engaging in meaningful discussions and leaving valuable comments can help establish your expertise and credibility in your niche, boosting social proof.

DoFollow CommentLuv blogs are an invaluable but underutilized link building tactic for organic growth and SEO results. When used ethically, they can deliver high-value backlinks from trusted sources.

Finding and Utilizing DoFollow Commentluv Blogs

  • Conduct Thorough Research: Look for blogs relevant to your industry that use the Commentluv plugin. Use search operators like “Your Keyword + Commentluv” or “Your Keyword + DoFollow Comment” to find potential blogs.
  • Assess Blog Authority: Use tools like Moz or Ahrefs to determine the authority of the blogs you’ve found. Focus on blogs with higher domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA).
  • Evaluate Engagement: Choose blogs with an active commenting community to ensure your backlinks reach a broader audience.
  • Craft Genuine Comments: When leaving comments, add value to the discussion. Avoid generic or spammy remarks, as they may get deleted.

Follow the blog guidelines: Respect the blog owner’s rules and guidelines for commenting. Writing relevant, thoughtful comments increases the chances of approval.

How do I enable the CommentLuv plugin?

The CommentLuv plugin is found in the WordPress plugin directory.

You can install the CommentLuv plugin from the WordPress plugin directory and activate it on your blog.

commentluv plugin from wordpress directory

After activating the plugin, you can select the options, like accepting the no-follow or following links from the user.

Is it necessary to install the CommentLuv plugin?

It is entirely up to you. There are some pros to using the Commentluv plugin that will help your website rank. But you need to be aware of a couple of cons before installing the CommentLuv plugin on your website.

  • Installing a comment plugin on your website will get more comments on your blog, as many bloggers search for CommentLuv blogs.
  • Many posts show the list of websites that allow CommentLuv comments, and there are chances of getting backlinks from those kinds of posts, so your blog may rank.
  • Due to more searches for CommentLuv blogs, there may be chances of making your site spam if there is no complete observation of the comments you get.
  • There has not been a recent update for the plugin for a long time. Due to this, your site’s speed may fall.

Considering all these pros and cons, you can install a comment plugin on your website.

List of Commentluv Blogs 2024

Here is a list of a few CommentLuv blogs.

S.No.CommentLuv Blog URLDAPA

How do I find CommentLuv-enabled blogs?

It is so simple. To find the CommentLuv-enabled blogs, you have to follow these methods.

Method 1: Spy on your Competitor’s site

It is the most popular way to get comments and find other link-building methods by spying on your competitor’s backlinks.

To do this, you use any backlink monitoring tool. Here are a few free tools to check backlinks:

Step 1: Open any tools and sign up for a new account. Just place the competitor link in any one of the above tools.

openlinkprofiler page - commentluv blogs

Step 2: Export the list of backlinks. Check the backlink data manually. You will get all the backlink data, including CommentLuv-enabled blogs.

openlink profiler results

Step 3: Go through the link and check if the blog post is enabled. If the link has comment Luv enabled, write the comment in the comment section of the recent post and submit it.

Method 2: By Using Google FootPrints

Most of the sites have a specific word in their blog posts, indicating a link-building opportunity. Using this technique, search for those words/terms in the search engine to find blogs with those opportunities.

CommentLuv-enabled blogs

  • Keyword: ” CommentLuv is Enabled”
  •  Keyword +” KeywordLuv is Enabled”
  •  “Long Tail Keyword” + ”CommentLuv is Enabled”
  • “This blog uses premium CommentLuv.”

For example, I am searching for commentLuv-enabled blogs using the term “This blog uses premium CommentLuv.”

This blog uses premium CommentLuv google results
  • If you want to find the commentLuv-enabled blogs in your niche, use any of the above methods (keyword + “This blog uses premium CommentLuv”).
  • Then you will get hundreds of blogs to leave a comment on and get a high-quality backlink.
  • Here you will find all types of blogs, such as edu blogs, gov blogs, those offering DoFollow links, and more.

Method 3: Using the DropMyLink service

DropMyLink is an excellent site. It allows you to find CommentLuv-enabled blogs without much effort.

Step 1: To use this service, you need to sign up for a free account in DropmyLink

Step 2:

  • Then enter your keyword.
  • Choose the categories “Comment backlinks” and “CommentLuv Premium” in the Footprint section.
  • Click the search button.
dropmylink service

tep 3: After hitting the Search button, it will automatically perform the search process to find your desired blogs along with your keyword.

dropmylink result page

The process is very simple without much effort.

How can I utilize this CommentLuv blog’s list?

The above is on the list of do-follow CommentLuv sites created by professional bloggers. The Delhi Star is updated occasionally with the latest indexed blogs on Google.

From the above sites, you can select blogs that are most related to your niche, from which to start commenting on those sites with your links to the latest posts on your website.

It is always advisable to comment only on sites closely related to your niche. It is because link juice is well calculated only when the keywords with backlinks match the root content.

You can start by commenting on the above list of blogs and getting high-quality backlinks for your website.

Simple Tips to write better comments on CommentLuv Blogs

  • Write simple sentences that are relevant to the blog post.
  • Add meaningful words in the comments
  • Avoid 1- to 2-line comments.
  • Read the entire post and any existing comments before writing a comment.
  • Make 4 to 5 blog comments daily. Do not write more comments.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between DoFollow and NoFollow links?

DoFollow links pass link authority to the linked website and positively impact SEO. NoFollow links do not pass link authority or contribute to SEO efforts.

How many backlinks should I aim to get from DoFollow Commentluv blogs?

Focus on quality rather than quantity. Aim for backlinks from reputable blogs with high authority.

Is leaving comments on DoFollow CommentLuv blogs time-consuming?

It can be, but investing time in thoughtful comments can lead to better results.

Can I use automated tools to leave comments on multiple blogs at once?

It’s not recommended, as automated commenting may come across as spammy and lead to negative consequences.

Are DoFollow CommentLuv blogs suitable for all industries?

You can find blogs from various industries that utilize Commentluv, making them valuable for diverse businesses and niches.

Final Words

Incorporating DoFollow Commentluv blogs into your SEO strategy can yield significant benefits by generating high-quality backlinks and boosting your website’s rankings. Engaging in meaningful discussions and leaving valuable comments can establish your authority in your niche while driving targeted traffic to your website.

So, seize the opportunity and explore the curated list of DoFollow Commentluv blogs to enhance your SEO efforts.

Even though CommentLuv’s backlinking strategy has lost its renown as in the olden days, it still gives good results for many bloggers. If you have never started a CommentLuv backlinking strategy, now is the right time to create and rank your website on Google.

You don’t need to install a CommentLuv plugin on your website. You can search for CommentLuv blogs and comment on the blogs, leaving backlinks. Once the admin approves your comment on the website, a backlink will be generated for your website.

You also need to follow some quick tips, like maintaining a keyframe structure for your post and writing the content related to the post. The admin will approve your comment more quickly as a result.

Not being hesitant about accepting a no-follow backlink from one of CommentLuv’s blogs is important because you’ll at least get referral traffic from it.

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  1. Thank you for the information on the backlinks. This is a great article for the career point of view who are interested in or pursuing career in Seo. I can this because I have followed this article while doing backlinks in SEO.

  2. John Harrison says:

    Thank you Satish for the information. I am currently pursuing a career in SEO, and your article might be very helpful for creating good backlinks and high-quality content.

  3. Abhishek Chippa says:

    CommentLuv is my favorite tool to build high-quality backlinks. It has a clean look and we can display our latest blog posts along with the comments. Thus it helps you in building not only backlinks but traffic also.
    Thank you

  4. Hi, this is such a great article.
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  5. Great list, I will be really helpful for me.

  6. Hello Satish,

    This is Piyush. I am pursuing the field of SEO.

    CommentLuv is my favorite tool to build high-quality backlinks.

    It has a clean look and we can display our latest blog posts along with the comments.

    Thus it is helping in link building not only backlinks but traffic also.

    Thank you for the information

  7. Amazing and useful article

    Thanks for the great list.

    It is Helpful for us.

  8. Thank you for the information, i am pursuing the field of SEO, maybe your article is very helpful for me to make good backlinks and high quality

  9. I heard comment lucky blog are a way to build do follow back links for our blog and your list are awesome, this is very helpful and saves time great job for being useful

  10. Hello Sathish,

    CommentLuv is my favorite tool to build high-quality backlinks. It has a clean look and we can display our latest blog posts along with the comments. Thus it helps you in building not only backlinks but traffic also.

    I am familiar with most of these blogs and already commented in them. Your list will be very useful for the newbies to detect link building opportunities and thereby improve their page visits.

    Keep up your good work. Wishing you all the success in future too.



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