Are you searching for the best keyword research tools for SEO? If so, here are the best keyword tools. You can select any tool from the list below and begin collecting awesome, profitable keywords to rank keywords in a matter of minutes.

Best Keyword Research tools for SEO

Keyword research is essential for blogging. Keyword research used to take a long time, but now that there are many SEO tools, it’s easy. In the past, many bloggers spent days and nights finding the best keywords to use in their writing. But now, with the right keyword research tool, you can do it in just a few minutes.

SEO has been around for a long time and will continue to be so because ranking your website on Google and other search engines is an art, which is what SEO is all about.

If a website doesn’t rank on the top pages for the most important keyword in its industry, then making sales or conversions is either tough or impossible.

For this reason, SEO is important since it raises a website’s search engine ranking. There are many people you will find online saying that SEO is dead!

Don’t give a damn to this misleading information because SEO has been changing a lot in recent years due to frequent Google Algorithm updates, but that doesn’t mean SEO is dead; rather, the way of doing it is now more creative and challenging.

What is Keyword?

Keywords are the words and phrases that users type into search engines like Google to find information online. Understanding keyword usage and optimizing content for relevant search queries is crucial for websites to drive organic traffic through search engine results.

Types of Keywords

  • Short tail Keywords: These are exact match keywords, usually 1-3 words such as “marketing tips”. High search volume but extremely competitive. Examples: SEO, web design, social media, etc.
  • Long-tail Keywords: Longer and more specific multi-word phrases like “marketing tips for startups”. Lower search volume but more qualified traffic. Examples: content marketing strategies, local SEO case studies, and social media tools for business.

The importance of Keywords in SEO

  • Keywords help search engines determine if a page is relevant to a user’s search query.
  • Researching and incorporating keywords aligned to searcher intent can help sites rank better organically and gain more targeted traffic.
  • Optimizing solely for keyword volume is ineffective. Sites should instead optimize to provide value to searchers through informative content.
  • Creating content that answers user questions earns search engine trust and better rankings over time.
  • Keywords indicate user intent and allow sites to create content that solves searcher problems.
  • Identifying topics and terms that connect with audiences is critical for SEO success.

Why use keyword tools for SEO?

As we go forward, keyboards play an important role in ranking your websites. With most people being online for more than 8 hours a day, they tend to search for different things on Google before purchasing them. If you only get your hands on what people are about to explore and serve the results, ultimately, you will benefit. Here is where the keywords play a vital role.

Popular keyword research tools offer a comprehensive suite of features to enhance your SEO efforts. The keywords indicate what people are searching for on Google. A suite of SEO tools provides a holistic approach to improving your website’s performance.

Keyword research can be done in two ways to find the important keywords. It will help you rank in Google by finding the fastest keyword for your query or by finding the keywords that have already given success to many other bloggers.

Many bloggers find proven keywords easy to rank on Google. Most of my content is optimized with the TF-IDF keywords by using the Website Auditor tool from SEO PowerSuite. For those new to SEO, understanding volume and keyword competition is crucial for success.

If you are new to blogging, I recommend you have a quick look at my keyword research guide, where you will find different keyword strategies in the original 2022, before finding the best keyword research tools for SEO.

Many keyword research tools offer a free version with basic features for beginners. Google Trends is a free, comprehensive keyword research tool that tracks search term popularity over time.

Analyzing keyword search volume helps you understand the popularity and demand for specific terms. Implementing effective strategies can help you rank for the keyword that matters most to your business.

List of Best Keyword Research Tools for SEO

The tools for SEO in 2024 are evolving to meet the changing demands of digital marketing. Now you know what he would research and how you need to adopt strategies to find the best keywords and quickly go through the best research tools available online for you. There are several research tools for finding different keyword strategies. But not every device will help you find the best keywords. Paid keyword research tools provide advanced features for in-depth SEO analysis.

Knowing how to use keywords effectively is fundamental to successful SEO practices. These are some of the best keyword research tools for SEO that I found to be used by many bloggers, and I recommend them to you.

The article “Best Keyword Research Tools” highlights top-rated tools for optimizing digital content.discovercover the best SEO keyword research tools to stay ahead in the competitive online landscape.

Explore both free and paid keyword research options to find the tools that best suit your needs. Competitive research is essential for staying ahead, and the right tools can give you a competitive edge.

A curated list of keyword research tools can help you navigate the vast array of options available. Keyword research tools give marketers the insights needed to create a robust SEO strategy.

Speaking of SEMRush, it is not just a keyword research tool. It is a pack of more than 40 tools under one roof. SEMRush helps you find different keywords in different ways. On finding the given seed keyword metrics, you will also find related keywords, which will help you find more related keywords that you can use to target.

The competitor analysis provided by SEMRush is an imposing one. Entering your competitor’s URL in the search box gives you the complete list of keywords that your computer has been using to rank. It’s a very impressive tool for local SEO. It is a premium-quality SEO analysis tool.

SEMRUSH Longtail keyword tool

As you can see in the above screenshot, you only need to enter the seed keyword, and the tool will give that keyword’s details as well as other related keywords with Keyword Difficulty, SERP, volume, and other stuff.

To tap the real potential of SEMRush, go for its pro version. You can read this blog post to learn more about researching keywords with SEMRush.

Advanced SEO requires the use of sophisticated tools that go beyond basic keyword analysis. Evaluate the top 10 results for your target keywords to understand the competitive landscape.

Features of SEMRush

  • Keyword magic tool: The keyword magic tool is included in the SEMRush package, which lets you search for long-tail keywords. Suppose you want to build an effective SEO or PPC campaign. You can use this keyword magic tool, which provides all the metrics such as volume keyword difficulty, CPC, competition of keywords, and long-tail keywords from your primary keyword.
  • On-Page SEO checker: On-page SEO checker is another excellent tool you can use to check your old content’s SEO. Once you enter your post URL, the SEMRush tool suggests to you the optimization ideas based on your competitors’ rankings.
  • Site Audits: Technical audits for Your site is essential to rank high in search pages. The SEMRush site audit tool will help you identify any technical issues on your website, which you can rectify. Once you enter your website URL in the SEMRush site audit bar, the SEMRush bot will crawl your entire website and create a report for all the errors you need to fix to obtain a good health score. SEMRush identifies your essay score as a health score, and you can improve it by performing all the checks that the toll advises.
  • Link Building tool: The link building tool is also a part of the SEMRush tools that help you find high authoritative backlinks. You can use this SEMRush tool to determine the website you can use to create backlinks and ultimately improve your search rankings.

Pricing of SEMRush

SEMRush offers three different plans and pricing. They are

  • 14-day trial
  • Pro Plan – $99.95 per Month
  • Guru plan – $199.95 per Month
  • Business plan – $399.95 per Month

As an integrated hub for SEO success, Surfer SEO enables scaling campaigns efficiently. Its robust dataset and smart automation capabilities allow even small teams to punch above their weight and outperform competitors.

Some key capabilities offered in Surfer SEO include:

  • In-depth keyword research
  • Competitive analysis
  • Technical/On-page audits
  • Rank tracking
  • Link analysis
  • Content planning/optimization
  • Reporting

Features of Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO offers a robust suite of tools to streamline and enhance SEO success. Here are some of their core product offerings and capabilities:

Here is an overview of some of the core features available within Surfer SEO:

  1. Surfer AI
  • Automated article generation technology
  • Creates optimized, SEO-friendly articles and blog posts tailored to rank for target keywords
  • Requires only headline input to produce complete draft content pieces

2. Keyword Research

  • Reveals valuable target keywords and search queries to focus content efforts on
  • Analyzes keyword metrics (search volumes, competitiveness, trends, etc.).
  • Informs data-driven content planning and strategy

3. Content Editor

  • AI-powered writing assistance tool
  • Provides real-time content suggestions and outlines as you write
  • Checks spelling, grammar, and readability
  • Helps integrate relevant keywords seamlessly

4. Content Auditing

  • Crawls existing pages and posts to identify SEO issues
  • Assesses technical elements (site speed, mobile optimization, etc.).
  • Checks indexing problems, broken links, and metadata
  • Delivers actionable recommendations to fix identified problems

Additional Free Tools

Pricing of Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO offers access to their SEO platform on annual subscription plans. Some options include:

PlanPrice (USD)Additional Features
Essential$89Basic SEO for individuals and small teams
Recommended$179SEO enhancement for experts and teams
Advanced$299Full Surfer-power for agencies and teams
EnterpriseCustomMaximum SEO growth for large agencies

They also offer custom enterprise pricing for large organizations managing a portfolio of sites. Surfer SEO offers a free 14-day trial to experience the platform.

With an immense dataset and powerful functionality supporting both basic and advanced SEO success, Surfer provides immense value. It consolidates the must-have tools for SEO into one unified platform. This enables streamlining processes, identifying new opportunities, saving time and getting better results.


ahrefs trial

The AHREFS is another keyword explorer tool that has recently become popular. If you wish to find in-depth information about each keyword, choosing a keyword research tool is the best option.

Along with significant statistics like search volume and competition, you would also find the keywords in Google’s top 10 search results.

You can also see how many clicks a result is getting on the first few pages. The keyword database update is very good.

One of the best features of AHRES is that you can consider it your necessary SEO tool. It also shows you how many backlinks you will need for a post to rank on the first pages of Google, and even with a rating of 0 to 100, you can also find out how hard it is to rank on Google. It suggests the best keyword for SEO optimized content by analyzing your site.

Entering a keyword into the tool initiates the process of generating valuable insights for SEO. Access a list of keyword suggestions to expand your content and target a broader audience.

Features of AHREFS

The features of AHREFs include,

  • Site Audit: The site audit feature analyzes your website and gives the complete details of technical SEO like user experience, SEO issues like 4xx issues and 5xx issues, and many more. Thoroughly, it checks every page of your site for over a hundred predetermined SEO issues.
  • Site Explorer: The site explorer can be used to rank your pages to optimize. It has various functions to increase your site’s ranking. It gives a complete, in-depth analysis of the site’s backlink profile and searches for organic traffic.
  • Keyword Explorer: Keyword Explorer is a fantastic keyword analysis tool that helps you give the best keyword ideas. You can optimize your content with the provided keywords for easy ranking. The keyword optimization allows you to provide similar keywords and variationsion to improve your site rank quickly.
  • Content Explorer: Content marketing is the cornerstone of SEO. In the AHREFs, advanced search operators are available for effective content marketing. Using this feature, you can identify link building possibilities, low productive problems, and partnership potential.
  • Rank Tracker: The rank tracker will monitor the rankings of your site and keywords against your competitors. You can track every keyword rankings and get scheduled reports directly to your inbox.

Pricing of AHREFS:

The AHREFS pricing and plans are four. You can start any plan with 7 days trial

  • Trial version – $7 for seven days
  • Lite plan – $99 per month
  • Standard plan – $179 per month
  • Advanced plan – $399 per month
  • Agency plan – $999 per month

4. KWFinder

kwfinder discount

The KWFinder is a powerful tool that you can use to find keywords quickly. If you wish to use a keyword research tool alone, then the KWFInder is the best tool for you. It is one of the fastest-growing SEO tool companies that can help you find keywords with high targeted traffic.

Using the KWFinder, you can easily find keywords with low SEO difficulty, which are equally important to rank in google. The KW finder has an easy to navigate interface and is unique to any other keyword research tool.

By using KWfinder, you can get precise competition and analysis statistics for every keyword. KWFinder is one of the best SEO tools from the Mangools company. They are giving five different tools to fulfill SEOs’ needs. They are

  • KWFinder:For Keyword Research
  • SERPChecker: For SERP analysis 
  • SERPWatcher:For rank tracking
  • Link Miner: For Backlink Analysis
  • SiteProfiler: For SEO metrics & Insights

Along with the statistics, you will also get a SERP overview of the given keywords (or search terms) or phrases, and even suggestions of additional keywords are available. You can read the complete guide on how to find the best keywords for SEO by using KWFinder. If you are already using this tool, you can consider these Best KWFinder Alternatives.

Type in a keyword, and let the research tool uncover valuable insights for your SEO strategy. A keyword research tool offers features that go beyond basic analysis, providing a holistic approach.

Features of KW Finder

The features of KWFinder are given below.

  1. Search by Keyword: This feature helps you find a list of keywords in three different categories. They are suggestions, autocomplete, and questions. You will find the complete details of keyword metrics like trend, search, CPC, PPC, and keyword difficulty (KD).
  2. Search by domain name: This feature allows you to find the exact keywords ranked by your competitors by providing detailed keyword metrics.

Pricing of KW Finder:

The price of KWFinder is very reasonable and cheap. The KWFinder is one of the tools from the Mangools toolkit. If you buy any plan from the Mangools plan, you will get access to all the toolkits.

  • 10 Days trial pack
  • Basic plan – $29 per Month
  • Premium plan – $39 per month
  • Agency plan – $79 per Month

5. Long Tail Pro

Long tail pro banner

The long tail pro is one of the simple and easy-to-use software that comes with a straightforward interface that you can quickly get used to. It is an all-in-one tool for keyword research that comes with different features. You can create multiple projects for various sites to stay organized.

It is to focus on longtail keywords entirely. It is vital to add longtail keywords in your content for better ranking in Google. This tool helps in finding all the available long tails which you can include in your article.

The best thing about this is that it also provides the CPC of the given keywords, and you can sort them according to CPC so that you can find all the high CPC keywords that are longtail in one place. It is a complete keyword tool. It comes with the best keyword tracking tool to know the status of your ranked keywords and changes within Google SERPs.

One of the other things that the long tail pro can do is find keyword-rich domain names that are still available.

This tool offers you everything that you need to find profitable keywords. You can even find out the sites that are ranking for a particular keyword as well.

long tail pro keyword research result page

The search volume and the AKC are very important. The lower the AKC, the less competition there is. Hence, you can find good short-tail and long-tail keywords using these metrics.

When it comes to AKC, anything less than 30 is good to target.

If your blog has authority, you can even target the keywords with 40 AKC as well.

If you want to see which sites are ranking for a particular keyword, you can just click on that keyword from the list shown above, and you get the details like this:

long tail pro single keyword research analysis

Along with the article links, it also shows their backlinks, CF, TF, and other details that help you understand whether your site is able to outrank them or not, and accordingly, you put your efforts on those keywords.

You can consider every detail you get from the tool, then choose a good keyword and write killer content, and if needed, you can later work on some link building strategies to beat the competition.

Without doing research, you may keep putting effort into the keywords for which ranking is nearly impossible.

Features of Longtail Pro

This tool is designed for complete keyword research. You will get hundreds of longtail keywords whenever you perform a phrase search. The essential features of the tool are three.

  • Keyword research is the most useful tool to get hundreds of keywords. Choose a broad, phrase, or exact keyword match basis for finding search volume. You can enter seed keywords, then hit the button on Generate Keywords. You can export the keyword list in Excel or CSV format.
  • SERP Analysis: It helps you give the keyword competitiveness (KC) and competition analysis details of the search phrase.
  • Rank Tracker: This tool allows you to track the site and keywords ranking from the chosen search engines (Google, Bing, Yandex) and location basis.
  • Backlink Analysis: This tool allows you to get the complete backlink details and analysis reports of your site or competitor’s URL.
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In all the plans, keyword research and rank tracker features are common. In the pro and agency plans, account management and plug-and-play template systems are available.

long tail pro pricing

The pricing of Longtail Pro depends on the chosen plan. The plans are Starter ($25/month), Pro ($45/month), and Agency ($98/month)for the annual plans.

  • Longtail Pro 10 days trial
  • Starter Plan – $25 per Month
  • Pro Plan – $45 per Month
  • Agency Plan – $98 per Month



This is another All-in-One SEO software suite that includes keyword research tools as one of its significant features. With these tools’ unique features, you can easily optimize your site to rank fast in Google, compared to your competitors. This page-oriented platform is best for in-depth competitive analysis.

Serpstat is the analytics tool for every digital marketer that needs SEO specialists and analytics experts, PPC specialists, content managers, and digital marketers. To conduct these tasks, SERPSTAT is a perfect choice.

This tool can analyze your site compared with your competitors and give you the missing keywords on your page or even your entire website. It is a swiss army knife of keyword research tools.

Serpstat has gradually evolved from a keyword research tool to a “growth hacking tool” by incorporating more noteworthy features such as Technical SEO, PPC, and Link Building.

One of the best things about this SERPSTAT tool is that if you analyze the entire website, you will also see which pages have dropped in ranking and which pages are ranked. You will also find the overall ranking percentage for each page. A keyword manager is crucial for efficiently organizing and optimizing your keyword strategy.

Features of SerpStat

  1. Keyword Research: It helps you expand your online presence by presenting your best SEO keywords for your content and PPC campaigns.
  2. SearchAnalytics: :It helps you understand your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses to perform and improve your business online.
  3. Content marketing Ideation:It helps you to create unique content according to your niche.
  4. Rank tracking: It helps you track and monitor your competitor’s page rankings daily.
  5. Backlink analysis:It helps you get the complete backlink analysis report of your website or competitor’s website within a few minutes.
  6. Site audit:It helps you perform a complete site’s technical SEO, including an on-site audit using multiple ranking factors. It is a beneficial feature to boost your content every time. You can find and fix the technical issues by using the reports.
  7. Competitor research: It helps you create strategic campaigns to position your business against the competition by using the given digital marketing program.

Pricing for the SERPSTAT tool

The pricing of the SERPSTAT tool starts at $69 per month. It has 4 plans—Lite, Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise. You can choose any one of the plans to start keyword research for SEO for your website or for your client’s website.

  • Free trial for lifetime
  • Lite Plan Plan – $69 per Month
  • Standard Plan – $149 per Month
  • Advanced Plan – $299 per Month
  • Enterprise Plan – $499 per Month

A free trial is available with limited features for a lifetime. Just click on the Get Started button from the SERPSTAT official page by following the given link to pick the right keywords for your content.

7. Moz SEO Keyword Explorer

Moz keyword explorer premium tool

Thousands of webmasters are checking their site’s DA, PA, every day using the MOZ tools. Keyword Explorer is part of the Moz-Pro SEO analytics platform. If you compare it with paid tools like AHREFs and SEMRush, Moz is a perfect choice. It has most SEOs tools to audit your sites, create backlink building goals, and many more on-page optimization opportunities.

Moz SEO experts make MOZ software for SEOs. You can perform in-depth keyword and SERP analysis with the Moz Keyword Explorer tool.

To use this tool, you have to create a free account. After registration, activate the account, enter the keyword, and press the search buttons. You will get plenty of keyword suggestions.

moz explorer for long tail keywords

You can see the above screenshot to get an idea. You can give this tool a try to get a fair number of good long tail keywords to target.

Features of MOZ keyword explorer

  • You can analyze the keywords on search volume basis
  • You can save the list of keywords within your account
  • You can export the total keyword suggestions into CSV format
  • You can find the right keywords in question format
  • You can check the keyword difficulty score
  • You can conduct competitive keyword analysis

Pricing of MOZ keyword explorer

The pricing of the Moz keywords explorer starts at $99 per month. The MOZ pro plans include Mozbar premium, multiple search engines, SEO insights, 24 hours of online support, and a MOZ forum.

  • 30 days free trial
  • Standard Plan – $99 per Month
  • Medium Plan – $149 per Month
  • Large Plan – $249 per Month
  • Premium Plan – $599 per Month

You can grab their 30-day free trial by choosing any one of the plans. You can cancel anytime without any commitments. Monthly keyword searches are available.

8. Google keyword planner

google keyword planner

The Google keyword planner is the favorite tool for keyword research for many of us bloggers. If you plan to run PPC campaigns, GKP is the perfect choice to find the relevant keywords according to your business.

If you are looking for the best free keyword research tool, GKP is the better choice. It is an entirely free tool developed by Google. It is the best free keyword tool for newbies.

Using Google Keyword Planner ensures that your keyword strategy aligns with current search trends.

You can use this tool by using your Gmail account directly in the Google Adwords account. The previous version of the keyword planner tool gave the exact search volume for every keyword. But the new version started showing the volume range only. After Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends is a free keyword research tool that tracks the popularity of search terms over time.

This tool is mainly designed for Adwords advertisers so that they can calculate the search volume and competition along with the bid, but if you are only looking for organic, you can still get an idea of search volume from there.

download keyword ideas

You just need to enter the keyword and click on “Get Ideas.” The tool will show the details of the keyword(s) you entered as seeds and other related keywords as well. You can enter as many keywords, separated by commas, as you like.

Features of Google Keyword Planner:

  • You will get the most relevant keywords
  • You will get the suggested bid pricing. It is helpful if you run Google Ads campaigns
  • You will get the monthly average search volumes for every keyword
  • You will get a complete idea of the keyword competitiveness if it ranks or not

Pricing of GKP: Free to use

9. UberSuggest

ubersuggest tool

If you are looking for a free keyword research tool, I recommend using ubersuggest as a free tool because of its quick access. Most bloggers and even beginners to Pro used to depend on Google Keyword Planner until it started showing results in ranges.

If you got used to the Google keyword planner and find it difficult to move away from that interface, you can directly try out UberSuggest.

Ubersuggest was recently acquired by Neilpatel and is another popular tool for obtaining keyword research from one or more phrases. You can search for keywords on the web and on YouTube, Google Images, shopping, and even news.

For example, I typed a seed keyword as “headphones.

ubersuggest keyword analysis

Now, see what it shows:

ubersuggest keywords overview

Finally, click on the View All Keyword Ideas button to get a complete keyword list. Here you will get two options to export the keyword list. They are suggested and Related keywords. 

export keywords list from ubersuggest

Just choose one as per your requirement, then select all keywords and hit the button Export to CSV.

Ubersuggest gets this data from Google Auto Suggest.

Google instant results

However, Google shows the most frequent ones only. And, Ubersuggest shows all of the keywords that Google has in its database to show as auto-suggest.

You can further check the trend for each keyword by clicking on the down arrow.

Features of Ubersuggest:

  • Keyword Ideas: This tool helps you give a comprehensive list of potential keywords with volume, CPC, PD (page difficulty), and SD (SEO difficulty).
  • Traffic Analyzer: It helps you to know the monthly organic visitors of the site, and SEO ranking keyword status, top performing pages, and SEO keywords. We can use this tool as a spy tool to find and analyze a competitor’s best-performing keywords.
  • Content Ideas: It helps you find the best-performing content for your project. The resulting pages are arranged as per the ranking factors of the country.

Google Trends is a valuable keyword research tool, despite lacking volume metrics. It reveals rising and falling search popularity over time. This offers useful demand insights even without the exact numbers.

Video on – Find Right keywords to rank #1 on Google

For example, the phrase “headphones wireless” shows positive upward trends recently. The growth hints at growing interest and searches, signaling it may be an impactful keyword to target. Prioritizing keywords with upward trajectories can help content rank for terms aligned with current momentum.

Pricing for Ubersuggest:

Ubersuggest offers a seven-day trial with their regular plans. Compared with other popular paid SEO tools like AHREFS, SEMRush, and MOZ, the pricing is significantly lower. It also has lifetime plans available with a great 90% discount.

Trusted by over 1 million users, Keywords Everywhere integrates directly with Google to provide accurate and up-to-date search volume data and keyword suggestions to inform better targeting.

As a user-friendly Chrome extension, Keywords Everywhere enables seamlessly extracting keyword ideas while browsing sites or conducting research. This gives digital marketing teams key insights directly within their workflow to enhance productivity.

Features of Keywords Everywhere

Some of the key capabilities offered by Keywords Everywhere include:

  • Keyword volume and search data
  • Related keywords and long-tail suggestions
  • Comparison of multiple keywords
  • Keyword search right in Google SERPs
  • Campaign management features
  • Competitor keyword research
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Google AdWords Keyword Planner integration

Pricing of Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere offers access to their keyword tools through two main plans:

PlanPrice/MonthAnnual CostFeatures
Bronze1.25$15100,000 credits/year, 1 User Seat, Keywords: Top 1,000, Backlinks: Top 1,000
Silver5$60400,000 credits/year, 5 User Seats, Keywords: Top 2,000, Backlinks: Top 2,000, Access to SEO Minion
Gold25$3002 million credits/year, 20 User Seats, Keywords: Top 5,000, Backlinks: Top 5,000, Access to SEO Minion, All courses ($597 value)
Platinum80$9608 million credits/year, 100 User Seats, Keywords: Top 10,000, Backlinks: Top 10,000, Access to SEO Minion, All courses ($597 value), Priority Email Support

With immense keyword data directly from Google search, Keywords Everywhere equips digital marketers to better understand user search intent, find untapped targets, and expand content strategies.

Its intuitive workflows enhance productivity by baking robust keyword analytics into everyday search and browsing. For those looking to simplify online visibility, Keywords Everywhere delivers the insights needed to reach the right audiences.

These results shown by Google are based on the users’ queries. Not all of these suggestions are good, but you can always find at least one great keyword among them. Once you find one, you can try that keyword in Google and look for “related searches” to find even better long-tail keywords.

Understanding exactly how users interact with and leverage Google’s related searches can provide key insights into user intent and demand levels for related topics.

Evaluating one’s own site performance for ranking among these keyword ideas could reveal new opportunities for targeting related search terms with strong potential to drive organic traffic.

For websites aiming to improve discoverability through SEO, optimizing content to target and rank for these suggested searches can be an impactful strategy.

Important Note: For one topic, you can try searching different variants of a keyword to get a big list of such related keywords. Then you can find the best ones that you can target in your next piece of content.

You can enter a keyword, and it will share content ideas as well as a long list of keywords.

It categorizes the ideas into three sections: questions, prepositions, and alphabetical. For example, I searched for “best headphones,” and it shows the result as.

results line with volume and cpc

Now, you can click on any to get the data.

When I clicked on questions, I got this.

answerthepublic search intent results

When I clicked on a preposition, I got this:

answerthepublic search intent result map new

And, when I clicked on alphabetical, I got this:

results in alphabetical table form

So, as you can see, there are a lot of ideas this tool can generate. You can select quite a few and check their search volume using a keyword planner to be sure if they are good enough.

Key Features

  • Autocomplete Keyword Suggestions: Pulls related keywords from search engine autocomplete algorithms. Provides extended long-tail ideas.
  • Content Idea Generation: Structure recommendations by questions, prepositions, and alphabetical groupings to stimulate content creation.
  • Visual Display: Presents keyword ideas in engaging interactive visualizations for rapid analysis.
  • Google Trends Integration: Shows keyword popularity and search trend data to inform priority.
  • Exportable Spreadsheets: Downloadable CSV files of all keyword recommendations for further evaluation.

Pricing Plans

All plans offer a free 7-day trial to test out the platform’s capabilities before subscribing. Yearly and lifetime discounts are also available to lower the per-month costs by up to 90% for continued use.

PlanUsersSearches/dayFeaturesMonthly PriceLifetime Deal (Save 90%)
Free Trial1100CPC and search volume dataFREE for 7 days
Individual1100CPC and search volume data$5/month$50/Lifetime
ProUp to 3UnlimitedCPC and search volume data$49/month$490/Lifetime
ExpertUnlimitedUnlimitedCPC and search volume data$99/month$990/Lifetime
  • The individual plan is best suited for entrepreneurs, consultants, and small businesses that need data for strategies and presentations.
  • The Pro plan allows for multiple users to collaborate while monitoring different keyword searches.
  • The Expert plan provides unlimited users and searches for brand monitoring, content inspiration, and keeping up with the latest trends.

The combination of AI-generated suggestions, customizable visualizations, and integrated search data makes AnswerThePublic a uniquely valuable tool for sparking long-tail keyword and content expansion. The platform aims to maximize creativity in keyword research rather than purely provide metrics.

My Experience with Keywords and Keyword Research Tools

In my time doing affiliate marketing and SEO, I learned first-hand how powerful long-tail keywords can be. When I focused solely on targeting high-volume short-tail terms, I’d attract a lot of traffic that didn’t convert well. But when I shifted to optimizing for more specific long-tail versions, my affiliate sales increased dramatically.

You see, people ready to buy products search differently than those in the research stage. If I want to find the best headphones overall, searching “best headphones” makes sense. But if I’m an Indian shopper wanting to make a purchase within my budget, I’d likely search for something like “best headphones under 1000 rupees in India.”

I remember one case where I targeted the long-tail version, “yoga mats for bad knees.” While it only brought in a handful of visitors per month, over 60% purchased a mat after reading my in-depth guide! Those laser-focused keywords resulted in more revenue than thousands of visits from broader terms that bounced quickly.

The key insight was that by optimizing content for those specific long-tail queries, I answered exactly what those shoppers wanted to know. I provided value upfront rather than trying to bait them into a purchase. And by giving the searcher what they asked for, they were more likely to click on my affiliate recommendations after benefiting from my advice.

While long-tail traffic was lower in volume, the laser-targeted nature and buying intent resulted in sky-high conversion rates and sales. Over time, earning rankings for these lucrative long-tail terms grew revenue far faster than any short-tail keyword could hope to achievSo, So in summary, long-tail is where the money is!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is keyword research?

Keyword research can be done in two ways to find the important keyword. It will help you rank in Google by finding the speed keyword for your query or by finding the keywords that have already given success to many other bloggers. Many bloggers find proven keywords easy to rank on Google.

What tools do you use for keyword research?

Here are my eight favorite tools to perform keyword research as per my content requirements. They are Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush, AHREFS, Google Trends, Moz Keyword Explorer, Ubersuggest, and Long Tail Pro.

Where can I find keywords for SEO for free?

Google Keyword Planner is the perfect choice to find the best keywords for SEO. You can use other Google search engine services to collect, few more keywords. In that, Google trends, Google search consoles, Google analytics, and Google SERPs.

How to find the best keywords for SEO?

Keywords are the basic foundations of every successful SEO strategy. So searching for the best keywords will help your site rank faster. So you have to learn about the Keyword research process to find and optimize the site content with relevant keywords. For this process, you can use Google SERPs to fulfill half of the process. Google Autocomplete will give great keyword and topic ideas. You can use the AnswerthePublic along with Google keyword planner. You will get the Golden keywords every time.

How do I find the best keywords?

To find the best keywords, we have to do keyword research. First, you need to study your niche and define your goals. Then go to make a list of relevant topics and create a list of major or seed keywords. Now find the search intent around the topic. Pick the long-tail keywords which are relevant to your topic and search intent. Finally, collect missed keywords from your competitor’s URLs.

Final words on the best Keyword Research tools for SEO

Even for your newly created blog or reviving your old posts, keyword research is an important task. You need to perform better and faster in your Google rankings. Basic keyword research can also be done using Google’s free tools, such as Google Trends and Keyword Planner. With this tool, you can directly search for different keywords and data by following Google’s trends.

The best keyword research tools provide insights into terms related to your main keyword. Mastering keyword research is essential for effective SEO and overall online success.

A comprehensive keyword research tool is an indispensable asset for any digital marketing professional. Keyword research tools, like Google Keyword Planner, provide valuable data for informed decision-making.

I will show you the popularity and related queries, which give you more keyword ideas.  If you are a beginner, I recommend starting with this primary keyword research tool.

A research tool that lets you explore different facets of keyword data is essential for comprehensive analysis. Choose one of the keyword research tools that offers a user-friendly interface and reliable results.

Most people believe that answering the public’s questions rather than making keyword suggestions is the best way to begin the keyword research process.

best keyword research tools for seo - pinterest
best keyword research tools 2024

Well, if basic search is not your intent, then you can go for the best keyword research tools for SEO, such as SEMRush, Longtail Pro, and KW-Finder, which give instant access to different keyword strategies and other content ideas.

A keyword tool is pretty much a necessity for any digital marketer looking to optimize their content. Features like search volume and keyword competition are crucial aspects of a reliable keyword research tool.

Discover the best keyword research platform to elevate your SEO strategy to new heights. Utilize a comprehensive keyword research tool to explore trends, competition, and related terms.

Keyword research tools offer a wealth of information used by SEO professionals to achieve success.

I hope this article will help you find your favorite keyword tool for the very future. Feel free to share your best cure research with others in the comment section below.

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